Sunday, April 11, 2010

I would rate the following on the 1-10 scale for my physical (3), spiritual (2) and psychological (2) well being. Recently, I have not been very good to myself because I have focused on the wrong things in my life, which has impacted all aspects of my well being. I am currently trying to correct this situation.
Goals to improve my well being include: getting the most our of exercise by focusing on activities instead of just going through the motion, learning and practicing meditation and identifying the negative influences on my psychological state and finding a way to remove those influences from my life.
The relaxation exercise I thought was beneficial, it was very relaxing and made me feel a little more centered. One odd thing happened to me during this exercise, the left side of my body tingled like it was asleep, anyone have any ideas why this occurred?


  1. Elizabeth you made some great goals toward your health and wellness. Life is a journey and we begin with little steps I think you know what you need to do and seem very positive and driven toward them.

    I loved the relaxation exercise and felt so good afterward. It is something like you I want to continue and improve on in the future. I'm curious about the tingling you experienced and maybe we can find out in seminar. Did you find the Animal exercise last week interesting?

    Great post and good luck I see lots of positives for your future.

  2. Elizabeth, I hope to listen to the exercise again and then maybe I will get something out of it. I have trouble getting my mind to relax. The way I see it we only have one life to live and we should strive to be happy and healthy in whatever way works best for you. Good luck!

  3. I forgot to ask about the tingling on my left side, it was kind of odd. I really liked the animal exercise and like that we get to experience things like this in seminar.
